123 research outputs found

    VaR-implied tail-correlation matrices : [Version October 2013]

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    Empirical evidence suggests that asset returns correlate more strongly in bear markets than conventional correlation estimates imply. We propose a method for determining complete tail correlation matrices based on Value-at-Risk (VaR) estimates. We demonstrate how to obtain more efficient tail-correlation estimates by use of overidentification strategies and how to guarantee positive semidefiniteness, a property required for valid risk aggregation and Markowitz{type portfolio optimization. An empirical application to a 30-asset universe illustrates the practical applicability and relevance of the approach in portfolio management

    Forecasting stock market volatility and the informational efficiency of the DAX-index options market

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    Alternative strategies for predicting stock market volatility are examined. In out-of-sample forecasting experiments implied-volatility information, derived from contemporaneously observed option prices or history-based volatility predictors, such as GARCH models, are investigated, to determine if they are more appropriate for predicting future return volatility. Employing German DAX-index return data it is found that past returns do not contain useful information beyond the volatility expectations already reflected in option prices. This supports the efficient market hypothesis for the DAX-index options market

    Multivariate regime–switching GARCH with an application to international stock markets

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    We develop a multivariate generalization of the Markov–switching GARCH model introduced by Haas, Mittnik, and Paolella (2004b) and derive its fourth–moment structure. An application to international stock markets illustrates the relevance of accounting for volatility regimes from both a statistical and economic perspective, including out–of–sample portfolio selection and computation of Value–at–Risk

    Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall for rare events

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    We show that the use of correlations for modeling dependencies may lead to counterintuitive behavior of risk measures, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Short- fall (ES), when the risk of very rare events is assessed via Monte-Carlo techniques. The phenomenon is demonstrated for mixture models adapted from credit risk analysis as well as for common Poisson-shock models used in reliability theory. An obvious implication of this finding pertains to the analysis of operational risk. The alleged incentive suggested by the New Basel Capital Accord (Basel II), amely decreasing minimum capital requirements by allowing for less than perfect correlation, may not necessarily be attainable

    Multivariate Regime–Switching GARCH with an Application to International Stock Markets

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    We develop a multivariate generalization of the Markov–switching GARCH model introduced by Haas, Mittnik, and Paolella (2004b) and derive its fourth–moment structure. An application to international stock markets illustrates the relevance of accounting for volatility regimes from both a statistical and economic perspective, including out–of–sample portfolio selection and computation of Value–at–Risk.Conditional Volatility, Markov–Switching, Multivariate GARCH

    Portfolio optimization when risk factors are conditionally varying and heavy tailed

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    Assumptions about the dynamic and distributional behavior of risk factors are crucial for the construction of optimal portfolios and for risk assessment. Although asset returns are generally characterized by conditionally varying volatilities and fat tails, the normal distribution with constant variance continues to be the standard framework in portfolio management. Here we propose a practical approach to portfolio selection. It takes both the conditionally varying volatility and the fat-tailedness of risk factors explicitly into account, while retaining analytical tractability and ease of implementation. An application to a portfolio of nine German DAX stocks illustrates that the model is strongly favored by the data and that it is practically implementable. Klassifizierung: C13, C32, G11, G14, G18Die Bewertung von Risiken und die optimale Zusammensetzung von Wertpapier-Portfolios hĂ€ngt insbesondere von den fĂŒr die Risikofaktoren gemachten Annahmen bezĂŒglich der zugrunde liegenden Dynamik und den Verteilungseigenschaften ab. In der empirischen Finanzmarkt-Analyse ist weitestgehend akzeptiert, daß die Renditen von Finanzmarkt-Zeitreihen zeitvariierende VolatilitĂ€t (HeteroskedastizitÄat) zeigen und daß die bedingte Verteilung der Renditen von der Normalverteilung abweichende Eigenschaften aufweisen. Insbesondere die Enden der Verteilung weisen eine gegenĂŒber der Normalverteilung höhere Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichte auf ('fat-tails') und hĂ€ufig ist die beobachtete Verteilung nicht symmetrisch. Trotzdem stellt die Normalverteilungs-Annahme mit konstanter Varianz weiterhin die Basis fĂŒr den Mittelwert-Varianz Ansatz zur Portfolio-Optimierung dar. In der vorliegenden Studie schlagen wir einen praktikablen Ansatz zur Portfolio-Selektion mit einem Mittelwert-Skalen Ansatz vor, der sowohl die bedingte HeteroskedastizitĂ€t der Renditen, als auch die von der Normalverteilung abweichenden Eigenschaften zu berĂŒcksichtigen in der Lage ist. Wir verwenden dazu eine dem GARCH ModellĂ€hnliche Dynamik der Risikofaktoren und verwenden stabile Verteilungen anstelle der Normalverteilung. Dabei gewĂ€hrleistet das von uns vorgeschlagene Faktor-Modell sowohl gute analytische Eigenschaften und ist darĂŒberhinaus auch einfach zu implementieren. Eine beispielhafte Anwendung des vorgeschlagenen Modells mit neun Aktien aus dem Deutschen Aktienindex veranschaulicht die bessere Anpassung des vorgeschlagenen Modells an die Daten und demonstriert die Anwendbarkeit zum Zwecke der Portfolio-Optimierung

    Boosting the Anatomy of Volatility

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    Risk and, thus, the volatility of financial asset prices plays a major role in financial decision making and financial regulation. Therefore, understanding and predicting the volatility of financial instruments, asset classes or financial markets in general is of utmost importance for individual and institutional investors as well as for central bankers and financial regulators. In this paper we investigate new strategies for understanding and predicting financial risk. Specifically, we use componentwise, gradient boosting techniques to identify factors that drive financial-market risk and to assess the specific nature with which these factors affect future volatility. Componentwise boosting is a sequential learning method, which has the advantages that it can handle a large number of predictors and that it-in contrast to other machine-learning techniques-preserves interpretation. Adopting an EGARCH framework and employing a wide range of potential risk drivers, we derive monthly volatility predictions for stock, bond, commodity, and foreign exchange markets. Comparisons with alternative benchmark models show that boosting techniques improve out-of-sample volatility forecasts, especially for medium- and long-run horizons. Another finding is that a number of risk drivers affect volatility in a nonlinear fashion

    Iterative versus noniterative derivation of moving average parameters of arma processes

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    AbstractA noniterative approach to deriving the moving average coefficients of a mixed ARMA process is suggested and compared to iterative methods. Results of a Monte Carlo study indicate that the noniterative method compares favorably to the commonly used iterative procedures

    Forecasting Quarterly German GDP at Monthly Intervals Using Monthly IFO Business Conditions Data

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    The paper illustrates and evaluates a Kalman filtering method for forecasting German real GDP at monthly intervals. German real GDP is produced at quarterly intervals but analysts and decision makers often want monthly GDP forecasts. Quarterly GDP could be regressed on monthly indicators, which would pick up monthly feedbacks from the indicators to GDP, but would not pick up implicit monthly feedbacks from GDP onto itself or the indicators. An efficient forecasting model which aims to incorporate all significant correlations in monthly-quarterly data should include all significant monthly feedbacks. We do this with estimated VAR(2) models of quarterly GDP and up to three monthly indicator variables, estimated using a Kalman-filtering-based maximum-likelihood estimation method. Following the method, we estimate monthly and quarterly VAR(2) models of quarterly GDP, monthly industrial production, and monthly, current and expected, business conditions. The business conditions variables are produced by the Ifo Institute from its own surveys. We use early in-sample data to estimate models and later out-of-sample data to produce and evaluate forecasts. The monthly maximum-likelihood-estimated models produce monthly GDP forecasts. The Kalman filter is used to compute the likelihood in estimation and to produce forecasts. Generally, the monthly German GDP forecasts from 3 to 24 months ahead are competitive with quarterly German GDP forecasts for the same time-span ahead, produced using the same method and the same data in purely quarterly form. However, the present mixed-frequency method produces monthly GDP forecasts for the first two months of a quarter ahead which are more accurate than one-quarter-ahead GDP forecasts based on the purely-quarterly data. Moreover, quarterly models based on purely-quarterly data generally cannot be transformed into monthly models which produce equally accurate intra-quarterly monthly forecasts.mixed-frequency data, VAR models, maximum-likelihood estimation, Kalman filter

    Assessing Central Bank Credibility During the ERM Crises: Comparing Option and Spot Market-Based Forecasts

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    Financial markets embed expectations of central bank policy into asset prices. This paper compares two approaches that extract a probability density of market beliefs. The first is a simulatedmoments estimator for option volatilities described in Mizrach (2002); the second is a new approach developed by Haas, Mittnik and Paolella (2004a) for fat-tailed conditionally heteroskedastic time series. In an application to the 1992-93 European Exchange Rate Mechanism crises, that both the options and the underlying exchange rates provide useful information for policy makers.Options; Implied Probability Densities; GARCH; Fat-tails; Exchange Rate Mechanism
